Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Committee
Promoting research and application of AI and machine learning in baseball.
Asian Baseball Research Committee
Increasing awareness and knowledge of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese and Filipino baseball.
Ballparks Research Committee
Collecting the history of current and past ballparks from the Major, Minor and Negro Leagues.
Baseball and the Arts Research Committee
Researching movies, songs and poetry inspired by the game of baseball.
Baseball Cards Research Committee
Exploring the history, importance and evolution of the baseball card industry.
Baseball Index Project Committee
Locating, identifying and classifying the literature of baseball.
Baseball Landmarks Committee
Documenting the staggering array of baseball-related sites located across North America.
Baseball and the Media Research Committee
Providing information and insight pertaining to the media’s coverage of baseball, both as news and as an event.
Baseball Records Research Committee
Establishing an accurate set of records for organized baseball.
Biography Project Committee (BioProject)
Producing comprehensive biographies of any person who ever played or managed in the major leagues.
Biographical Research Committee
One of SABR’s initial committees in 1971, we encourage research of people associated with baseball.
Black Sox Scandal Research Committee
Focusing on the people and events of the 1919 World Series fix.
Business of Baseball Research Committee
Studying all aspects of baseball administration, including economic, organizational, labor and legal issues.
Century Research Committee
A hub for SABR research and activities to memorialize the anniversaries of important milestones in baseball history.
Collegiate Baseball Research Committee
Maintaining the Major League Baseball Collegiate Database.
Concessions Research Committee
Documenting the history and evolution of food at ballparks, and its relation to baseball history and culture, as well as its relation to American popular culture in general.
Deadball Era Research Committee
Encouraging research on baseball from 1901 to 1919.
Educational Resources Committee
Bringing together educators to use baseball as a teaching tool.
Games and Simulations Research Committee
Studying how simulation games work, what statistics are generated and how organized baseball can benefit.
Games Project Research Committee
A collaborative initiative to research and write articles on major-league and Negro League regular, postseason, and All-Star Games.
Iconography Project
An ongoing effort to produce a history and catalog of artistic depictions of the game in a variety of forms: fine art, photography, sculpture, illustration, caricatures, engraving, lithography.
Latino Baseball Research Committee
Researching Latinos in the Negro Leagues and Major League Baseball to baseball in the Caribbean.
Minor Leagues Research Committee
Building the first comprehensive compilation of historical minor league statistics.
Negro Leagues Research Committee
Preserving the history of blacks in baseball before the re-integration of the game.
Nineteenth Century Research Committee
Encouraging research on all facets of baseball before 1901.
Official Scoring Research Committee
Documenting the history and evolution of official scoring rules and who has done the scoring.
Oral History Research Committee
Recording and storing remembrances of baseball’s past.
Origins Research Committee
Studying on the early forms of baseball and its predecessor games.
Pictorial History Research Committee
Cataloging and identifying photos of all major league players, managers and ballparks.
Science and Baseball Research Committee
Exploring research in the science of baseball, including behavioral, physical and natural sciences.
Scouts Research Committee
Compiling a complete roster of major league scouts and a listing of ballplayers they signed.
Spring Training Research Committee
Studying the impact of professional baseball on the cities which have played host to spring training camps.
Statistical Analysis Research Committee
Encouraging the exchange of research and analysis using baseball statistics.
Umpires and Rules Research Committee
Studying the impact of umpires and rules changes on the development of the game.
Women in Baseball Research Committee
Studying the role of women in various aspects of professional baseball.
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