2007 Baseball Research Journal

- Baseball and Briar
Bruce Harris - 1899 National League Strikeouts
Jonathan Frankel - More on Streaks
Trent McCotter - Can You Hear the Noise? The 1909 St. Paul Gophers
Todd Peterson - How Much Is a Top Prospect Worth?
Victor Wang - The Traffic Directors
Dan Fox and Neal Williams - A Statistical Look at the Men in Blue
David Vincent - The Summer of ’14: Almost a Miracle: The Cardinals’ First Great Pennant Race
Steve Steinberg - Pots & Pans and Bats & Balls
John Thorn - Pitching Behind the Color Line: Baseball, Advertising, and Race
Roberta J. Newman - An Analysis of the Gyroball
Alan Nathan and Dave Baldwin - Surprising Johnny Sain
Jan Finkel - The Evolution of Japanese Baseball Strategy
Rob Fitts - The Empire Strikes Out: Collusion in Baseball in the 1980s
Steve Beitler - The Effects of Integration, 1947-1986
Mark Armour - Early Wrigley Field: Weeghman Park, 1914–23
Ron Selter - Media Guides
Douglas B. Lyons - Stolen Victories: Daring Dashes That Send the Fans Home Happy
Jan Larson - Finessing the Standard Player Contract
Michael J. Haupert - A Manifesto for Defensive Baseball Statistics
Dr. Jon Bruschke - How Old Is That Guy, Anyway?
Walter Dunn Tucker - Faux Real: Dog and Badger Fighting During Spring Training in the Deadball Era
Margaret Gripshover