1984 Baseball Research Journal

- Long-Ball Heroes: Like Fictional Roy Hobbs, Yaz, Harm, Babe, Ted Led Turnabouts
Terrence L. Huge - Aspirations: High School Teammates Who Reached Big Leagues
Rick Obrand - ‘I Don’t Care If I Ever Get Back’: Late Finishes Leave Fans Limp But Ecstatic
Philip J. Lowry - Jimmy Cooney in Two Unassisted Triple Plays
Joseph Lawler - Team 9 Games Behind as Good as Champion? Maybe; Figuring Probability Fluctuations in Baseball
Alden Mead - Comparisons: Is N.L. Really Better? Study Raises Doubts
Bill Kross - Dramatic 1964 Nosedive in Retrospect: Explosive Weekend by Joe Torre Destroyed Pennant-Bound Phillies
William G. Nicholson - Winter Leagues: Dominican Real Fan and Talent Hotbed
Rob Ruck - Luke Easter’s Charisma, Remarkable Slugging Captivated Fans, Saved Buffalo Franchise in Mid-1950s
Joseph M. Overfield - A.G. Spalding: A Flamboyant Entrepreneur, Empire Builder
Peter Levine - Bluegrass Baseball: Barnstorming Band and Ball Club, Bill Monroe, Other Musicians Sponsored Teams in 1930-40s
Jay Feldman - Famous Nickname: Baseball’s Babes — Ruth and Others
James K. Skipper Jr. - Pitchers: 95 Enjoyed Ten Winning Seasons; 19 for Alexander
Jim Polhamus - Playing Managers: Active Pilots 20% Over Norm in Titles Won
John McCormack - The Diamond Sport: A Jung Man’s Game That Appeals to All
Jim McMartin - Hometown Star: ‘Bushel Basket’ Charlie Gould of Cincinnati Red Stockings
Kevin Grace - Analyzing Trades: Swap to Better, Poorer Team, Most Helpful?
Paul Elstein - The Day Thurman Munson Taught Yankees’ P.R. a Lesson
Marty Appel - Colonial League a Trail Blazer in 1947 Debut: Stamford Team Fielded Six Black Players
Jim McGreal - Better Yardstick: Rating Results vs. Total Plate Appearances
Neil Munro - Orioles Most Successful in 16 Seasons of Division Play
Don Nelson - Simpson’s Paradox: Stats Often Can Deceive
Karl Hiester - Pitching, Defense Just Slightly More Important to Team Wins Than Offense
Brian Ault - Quebec Loop Broke Color Line in 1935
Merritt Clifton - From a Researcher’s Notebook (1984)
Al Kermisch - Research of Minors Yields Major Finds
Vern Luse - Sam Streeter: Smartest Pitcher In Negro Leagues
John B. Holway - A Tale of Two Friends: Old Scout Expired as Protégé Larry Sherry Won in 1959 Playoff
Thomas McMahon - Millers Topped Minors in Odd Protested Games
Stew Thornley - The Grandest Game: Long 1877 Duel of Zeroes Put Syracuse on Map
Lloyd Johnson - Lil’ Rastus Was Ty Cobb’s Good Luck Charm
Anthony Papalas - In Memoriam: Carl Mays’ Beaning of Ray Chapman Recounted
Richard Derby - Forgotten Champs: No Player, Only Pilot of 1939-40 Reds in Shrine
Doug Simpson