Spring 2016 Baseball Research Journal

- Analyzing Coverage of the Hines Triple Play
Brian Marshall - Revisiting the Hines Triple Play
Richard Hershberger - The Roster Depreciation Allowance: How Major League Baseball Teams Turn Profits Into Losses
Stephen R. Keeney - Golden Pitches: The Ultimate Last-at-Bat, Game Seven Scenario
Wade Kapszukiewicz - Hype and Hope: The Effect of Rookies and Top Prospects on MLB Attendance
Russell Ormiston - Negro League Baseball, Black Community, and The Socio-Economic Impact of Integration
Japheth Knopp - ‘Playing Rotten, It Ain’t That Hard To Do’: How the Black Sox Threw the 1920 Pennant
Bruce S. Allardice - No ‘Solid Front of Silence’: The Forgotten Black Sox Scandal Interviews
Jacob Pomrenke - Flashback Gordon: Cryptic Communication within a Base-Running Relay-Throw Event
Jeffrey N. Howard - The Browns’ Spring Training 1946
Roger A. Godin - The Planting of Le Grand Orange
Norm King - Working Overtime: Wilbur Wood, Johnny Sain and the White Sox Two-Days’ Rest Experiment of the 1970s
Don Zminda - Player Win Averages (1946-2015)
Pete Palmer - Never Make the First or Last Out at Third Base … Perhaps
Ryan Gantner - Editor’s note: Spring 2016 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan - Download the e-book version of Spring 2016 Baseball Research Journal
SABR - Notes Related to Cy Young’s First No-Hitter
Brian Marshall - Appendix 1: Corrected box score and play-by-play for Cy Young’s first no-hitter
Brian Marshall - Bacteria Beat the Phillies: The Deaths of Charlie Ferguson and Jimmy Fogarty
Jerrold Casway - Henry Chadwick Award: John Dewan
Sean Forman - Henry Chadwick Award: Larry Lester
Rob Neyer - Henry Chadwick Award: Norman Macht
John Thorn - Henry Chadwick Award: Tom Ruane
Mark Armour - Appendix 1: Player Win Averages
Pete Palmer