Spring 2020 Baseball Research Journal

- Before We Forget: The Birth, Life, and Death of The Sporting News Research Center
Steve Gietschier - 24 Years Before Jackie Robinson, Charlie Culver Broke Barriers in Montreal
Christian Trudeau - A Global Fiasco: Walter Dilbeck’s Third Major League
Warren Corbett - Tom Loftus: The American League’s Forgotten Founding Father
John T. Pregler - The 1967 Dixie Series
Jeb Stewart - Considerable Excitement and Heavy Betting: Origins of Base Ball in the Dakota Territory
Terry Bohn - First Base Among Equals: Prime Ministers and Canada’s National Game
Stephen Dame - Lester B. Pearson: Canada’s Ballplayer Prime Minister
Stephen Dame - Dennis Eckersley: The Last Thousand-Hundred Man
Douglas Jordan - Maris and Ruth: Was the Season Games Differential the Primary Issue?
Brian Marshall - Cubic Players
Randy Klipstein - Baseball 1858-1865: By the Numbers
Bruce S. Allardice - Using Clustering to Find Pitch Subtypes and Effective Pairings
Gregory Dvorocsik, Eno Sarris, and Joseph Camp - cWAR: Modifying Wins Above Replacement with the Cape Cod Baseball League
Fr. Humbert Kilanowski, O.P. - Multi-Attribute Decision Making Ranks Baseball’s All Time Greatest Hitters
William P. Fox - Henry Chadwick Award: Mike Haupert
Dan Levitt - Henry Chadwick Award: Tom Tango
Dave Studenmund - Henry Chadwick Award: Thomas Shea
Dick Thompson - Editor’s Note: Spring 2020 Baseball Research Journal
Cecilia M. Tan