The National Pastime: The Future According to Baseball (2021)

- Introduction: The Future According to Baseball
Marty Resnick - Baseball Uniforms in the Future: What Might They Look Like Two Decades from Now?
Gary Sarnoff - Commissioner Announces New Alignment and Addresses MLB 2041 Season Initiatives
David Krell - The Future of Women in Baseball: An interview with Janet Marie Smith and Bianca Smith
Katie Krall - Signs of the Times
Cecilia M. Tan - Transgender Player Signs With Oakland
Dusty Baker - Baseball and Some Media Futures
Rick Wilber - Democracy at the Ballpark: Looking Towards a Fan-Owned Future
Stephen R. Keeney - Under Coogan’s Bluff
Harry Turtledove - How Climate Change Will Affect Baseball
Dr. Lawrence Rocks - The ‘Natural’
Marty Resnick - Nashville Stars Join Mexico City as 32nd Team in MLB
Dusty Baker - The Astrofuturism of Baseball
Harrie Kevill-Davies - Baseball in 2040: The Digital Viewer
Allison R. Levin - Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Bright Future of Baseball
Brian Hall - At the Intersection of Hope and Worry: How Baseball and Society Learn from History
Alan Cohen - The Rules They Are A-Changin’
Cecilia M. Tan - London Rounders Accused of Hacking Stadium Robot Umpire
Dusty Baker - Intercontinental Baseball League Scheduled to Start League Play in 2039
Gordon Gattie - Stevens Nomination to Hall of Fame to Proceed
Audrey Reinert - Fan Experience to Include Virtual Reality Betting in Real Time
Dusty Baker - The Future of Baseball Cards
Steven M. Glassman - Cooperstown 2040: Where the Baseball Hall of Fame Might Be in Roughly 20 Years
Graham Womack - The Game Is Afoot
James Breaux, MSF - The Future of Baseball Gaming Simulations
Gordon Gattie - The Future of Baseball Training Starts with VR but Leads to the Metaverse
Cathy Hackl and Nate Nelson