The National Pastime: Pacific Ghosts (San Diego, 2019)

- San Diego Padres Near No-Hitters
Steven M. Glassman - San Diego Breaks Pacific Coast League Color Barrier
Alan Cohen - The Longest No-Hitter in San Diego Padres History: Dick Ward’s 1938 Extra-Inning Masterpiece
Gordon J. Gattie - Bill Starr: The San Diego Padre Who Batted for Ted Williams and Integrated the PCL
Gary Sarnoff - The San Diego Tigers of the West Coast Negro Baseball League
Leslie Heaphy - Researching Ted Williams’ Latino Roots
Bill Nowlin - The Guide to Spalding: San Diego, 1900–15
Mark Souder - Charlie Schmutz: The First San Diego-Born Major Leaguer
Bill Lamb - No. 19, Ted Williams, LF, San Diego Padres
Tom Larwin - The Shared National Pastime: San Diego’s First Japanese Ball Game
Robert K. Fitts - American Indian Baseball in Old North County: San Diego Heritage at Riverside’s Sherman Institute
Tom Willman - Relief Pitching and the San Diego Padres: A Half-Century of Excellence
Wayne M. Towers - Raw Materials: The Padres’ Expansion 30
Mark Camps - Baseball Burials in San Diego
Fred Worth - The Silver Anniversary of Tony Gwynn’s Quest for .400
Geoff Young - Tony Gwynn: Meeting Baseball’s Best Hitter
Michael J. Schell - Steve Garvey and the Most Iconic Moment in San Diego Sports History
Kevin Mills - Profiles in Plumage: The San Diego Chicken
John Racanelli - Alan Wiggins: A Tragic Hero
Fred O. Rodgers - Rupe’s Troops, No Más Monge, and Tempy Turns It Around: Part of the Padres Golden Era
Brian P. Wood - Download the 2019 TNP e-book