Norman Rockwell’s Umpire Paintings

Baseball has always been a favorite subject for artists wishing…

An Umpire School Diary

Shaun McCready, an amateur umpire in Pennsylvania, wrote…

Larry Young and International Umpiring

Major League Baseball’s point man for international umpiring…

Interviews with Three Arizona League Umpires

As an official scorer for the Arizona Rookie League I have…

Interview with Ross Larson, Instant Replay Coordinator

Interview with Ross Larson and Mike Teevan conducted by Bill…

Interview with Mark A. Letendre, Director of Umpire Medical Services

In October 1999, as part of the merging of the National League…

Interview with Rich Rieker, Director of Umpire Development

For the past six-plus years, since before the 2011 season,…

Interview with Umpire Observer Kevin O’Connor

Bill Nowlin conducted this interview with Kevin O’Connor…

Interview with Kevin Gregg, Boston Red Sox Director of Media Relations

Interview with Kevin Gregg conducted by Bill Nowlin on September…

Interview with Chris Cundiff, Fenway Park Batboy

Interview with Chris Cundiff by Bill Nowlin on August 16,…

Interview with Dean Lewis, Fenway Park Umpires Room Attendant

Interview with Dean Lewis conducted by Bill Nowlin on July…

Introduction: Sportsman’s Park in St. Louis

The intersection of Grand Avenue and Dodier Street on the north…

Interview with Dave Mellor, Director of Grounds at Fenway Park

Interview with Dave Mellor by Bill Nowlin on August 16, 2015.   I…

You’re Out of Here: A History of Umpire Ejections

     Hillsboro Hops manager Shelley Duncan being…

Interview with Cuban Umpire Elber Ibarra

Recognized as one of the top umpires in Cuba for the past…

The Disqualification of Umpire Dick Higham

Dick Higham, with the 1877 Syracuse Stars. Second row…

Three Weeks in 1953: The Fate of the Cardinals

Fred Saigh had not expected the outcome. The St. Louis Cardinals…

Bill Veeck and the St. Louis Browns

By 1951 the Browns were decidedly moribund. They had been last…

The Milwaukee Brewers Move to St. Louis and Become the Browns in 1902

In the fall of 1893, a new Western League was formed with Milwaukee…

Beer and Opulence: The Day the Ballpark in St. Louis had Three Different Names

On Friday, April 10, 1953, August Anheuser “Gussie” Busch…

Anheuser-Busch Buys the St. Louis Cardinals

The players on the train carrying the St. Louis Cardinals back…

1967 Red Sox: World Series recap

A recap of the 1967 World Series between the St. Louis Cardinals…

The Birth of Red Sox Nation

Fans at Fenway Park were few and far between for most of the…

When Defeat is not a Loss: The 1967 World Series

1967 was, perhaps, the last time the Boston Red Sox entered postseason…
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