This Week in SABR: March 22, 2019
Welcome to “This Week in SABR!” Click here to view this week’s newsletter on the web. Here’s what we’ve been up to as of March 22, 2019:
Early registration is now open for SABR 49 in San Diego
We hope you’ll join us for what promises to be a spectacular SABR 49 convention this summer in San Diego. Conference and hotel registration is now available at
Click here for more information on the SABR 49 All-Inclusive Package, Early-Bird Registration, and optional sessions. Click here to register for SABR 49.
- Registration: Click here for complete information on the SABR 49 All-Inclusive Package, Early-Bird Registration, and optional sessions. Or click here to register for SABR 49! We’re again offering a special All-Inclusive Package for the annual SABR convention. For the $369 all-inclusive rate, SABR members can get:
— Full registration to SABR 49 in San Diego (early-bird: $289; regular rate: $319)
— 1 ticket in the Upper Infield Reserved (1B) section to the Padres vs. Cardinals game on Friday, June 28 at Petco Park ($24 value)
— 1 ticket to the Awards Luncheon on Friday, June 28 ($70 value)
— 1 exclusive SABR 49 convention logo lapel pin
— 2 complimentary Continental breakfasts on Thursday and Friday mornings*
*The Continental breakfast benefit is only available when you register for the All-Inclusive Package.
Non-members can pay $399 for the All-Inclusive Package; the deadline to register is Monday, May 6, 2019. - Hotel: The special SABR group rate at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego of $224/night (single rate) or $254/night (double rate) is only available to registered convention attendees. After you register for the SABR 49 convention, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with details on how to book your hotel room at the SABR group rate. If you do not receive your confirmation email after registering, please contact Deb Jayne at There are a limited number of rooms in our group block, so be sure to register for SABR 49 early!
- Awards Luncheon: SABR will host a special Awards Luncheon on Friday, June 28 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego. The Awards Luncheon, which includes a meal, will feature the announcement of SABR’s annual awards — including the Bob Davids Award, our highest honor. One ticket to the Awards Luncheon is included in the all-inclusive package or guest tickets are available for $70 when you register for SABR 49.
- Research presentations: SABR invites all members to present their research findings to their colleagues attending SABR 49. The deadline to submit your abstract was Sunday, February 24, 2019. Click here for complete details and application form.
- Yoseloff Scholarship: Students, click here to learn more about a Yoseloff Scholarship to attend SABR 49 in San Diego. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 29, 2019.
Visit to learn more or to register for the SABR 49 convention.
Students, one week left to apply for a Yoseloff Scholarship to attend SABR 49 in San Diego
With generous funding from The Anthony A. Yoseloff Foundation, Inc., SABR will award up to four scholarships to high school or college students to attend SABR 49 on June 26-30, 2019, in San Diego. This scholarship will pay for registration, transportation and lodging (double occupancy) up to a total value of $1,250.
The objective of this scholarship fund is to encourage high school and college-level student engagement with baseball research and to engender an active interest in baseball and SABR.
- Download an application form: Click here to download a Yoseloff Scholarship form to attend SABR 49 in San Diego
All applications must be postmarked or e-mailed to Jeff Schatzki at no later than Friday, March 29, 2019.
Click here for complete details and submission criteria.
Eight Myths Out: The Black Sox Scandal and the 1919 World Series
One hundred years after the fixing of the notorious 1919 World Series, SABR’s Black Sox Scandal Research Committee is shedding new light on baseball’s darkest hour.
SABR’s Eight Myths Out project, which launched this week at, is intended to correct many common errors and misconceptions about the fixing of the 1919 World Series.
The Black Sox Scandal is a cold case, not a closed case; new evidence has been discovered in recent years that has enhanced our collective knowledge of the scandal. Since the publication of Eliot Asinof’s Eight Men Out in 1963 and the John Sayles film by the same name in 1988, the dramatic story of underpaid and undereducated Chicago White Sox ballplayers, disgruntled by their low pay and poor treatment by management, who fell prey to the wiles of double-crossing gamblers has been thoroughly debunked. Much of the popular narrative about the Black Sox Scandal falls apart under closer scrutiny.
The Eight Myths Out project, a collaborative work produced by members of SABR’s Black Sox Scandal Research Committee, uses groundbreaking research and resources to provide a more complete understanding of what happened a century ago. In addition, we’ve compiled an extensive list of historical inaccuracies, large and small, that appear in Eight Men Out, with links to articles, artifacts, and other resources that are now available online. This includes accurate player and team salary information from the 1919 season, legal documents and transcripts from the Black Sox grand jury proceedings and criminal trial, hundreds of interviews with players from the Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Reds, and newsreel film footage from the 1919 World Series games.
Click here to read the full announcement at
— Jacob Pomrenke
More highlights and photos from the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference
Couldn’t make it to Arizona for the eighth annual SABR Analytics Conference, presented by MLB and KinaTrax? Visit for full coverage of this exciting event that brought together the top minds in the baseball analytics community in 2019. You’ll feel like you were wandering through the Hyatt Regency Phoenix with stories and multimedia clips from the great panel discussions and research presentations on our schedule, photo galleries, and much more.
Click on a link below for multimedia highlights from the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference:
Friday, March 8
- Listen to The State of Analytics panel with Eduardo Perez, John Dewan, Rob Neyer, and Vince Gennaro (audio)
- Listen to Carlos Peña’s presentation on Liquid Analytics (audio)
- Listen to research presentations from Brian Reiff, Rohan Gupta, and Andrew Kyne (audio)
- 2019 Diamond Dollars Case Competition winners announced
- Check out a photo gallery from Day 1 at the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference
- Max Mannis: State of Analytics panel discuses baseball’s past and future
Saturday, March 9
- Listen to the Keeping Data Flowing panel with Kyle Boddy, Mike Petriello, Joe Rosales, and Mike Ferrin (audio)
- Listen to the Statcast Year Five: Where Are We Now? panel with Cory Schwartz, Greg Cain, Daren Willman, and Travis Petersen (audio)
- Listen to the Training Pitchers panel with Scott Radinsky, Eno Sarris, Seth Daniels, Dr. Steven Cadavid, and Steve Berthiaume (audio)
- Listen to research presentations from Vince Gennaro, Alan Nathan, Jonathan Judge, and Glenn Healey (audio)
- Sabermetric pioneer Dick Cramer honored with SABR Analytics Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
- Check out a photo gallery from Day 2 at the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference
- Max Mannis: Younger pitchers open to more technological changes in training
- David Laurila: Notes from the SABR Analytics Conference (FanGraphs)
Sunday, March 10
- Listen to the Use of Analytics in Broadcast Media panel with Eduardo Perez, Mike Petriello, and Mike Ferrin (audio)
- Listen to the Game Within a Game panel with Emilee Fragapane, Dr. Lee Picarielo, Julian Volyn, and Rob Neyer (audio)
- Listen to research presentations from Ayane Kusafuka, Rob Mains, Clinton Hausman, Michael Shames, Bradley Waddell, Kevin Antonevich, and Daniel Calzada (audio)
- Lindbergh, Ring, Baseball Prospectus team win 2019 SABR Analytics Conference Research Awards
- Check out a photo gallery from Day 3 at the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference
- Max Mannis: Game Within a Game panel focuses on data-driven decisions
- Alex Vigderman: 2019 SABR Analytics Conference recap (Baseball Info Solutions)
- J.P. Hoornstra: In the war between science and aesthetics, trying to save baseball teams from themselves (L.A. Daily News)
Visit for more coverage of the 2019 SABR Analytics Conference.
Bjarkman, Nowlin, Grow, Flagel win 2019 SABR Baseball Research Awards
The 2019 SABR Baseball Research Awards, which honor outstanding research projects completed during the preceding calendar year that have significantly expanded our knowledge or understanding of baseball, have been awarded to:
- Peter C. Bjarkman, Fidel Castro and Baseball: The Untold Story, published by Rowman and Littlefield
- Nathaniel Grow and Zachary Flagel, “The Faulty Law and Economics of the ‘Baseball Rule,’ ” William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 60
- Bill Nowlin, Tom Yawkey: Patriarch of the Boston Red Sox, published by University of Nebraska Press
Bjarkman (1941-2018) was the leading authority on Cuban baseball, a recipient of SABR’s Henry Chadwick Award, and the author of many books and articles on sports history. Grow is an Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics at Indiana University. Flagel is a student at the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Nowlin has served seven terms on the SABR Board of Directors, including as Vice President from 2004 to 2016, and he has authored more than 75 books and hundreds of articles about the Boston Red Sox and other areas of baseball history.
The authors will receive their awards at the SABR 49 national convention, June 26-30, 2019, in San Diego.
To see a complete list of SABR Baseball Research Award winners, click here.
SABR welcomes new chapter in Virginia’s Eastern Shore
SABR’s Board of Directors has approved the formation of a new chapter.
The Bud Metheny/Virginia Eastern Shore Chapter serves members in the Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Newport News, and Chesapeake region; the chapter leader is Andrew Noe. The chapter is named after Arthur “Bud” Metheny, the former Yankees outfielder — and last player to wear the uniform number 3 until it was retired for Babe Ruth — and longtime baseball coach at Old Dominion University.
SABR’s 75 regional chapters cover 38 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C.; plus international chapters in Canada (Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia), Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Latin America (Venezuela, Dominican Republic), the United Kingdom, Europe (Netherlands), and Italy. For a list of all SABR chapters, visit A calendar of upcoming SABR meetings can be found at
To sign up for chapter email announcements and receive instant notification of upcoming SABR events in your area, click here to select from the list of chapters, then click “Join Group” at the top of the chapter page. All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from any chapter or committee.
Save the date! 2019 SABR Minneapolis 19th Century Baseball Interdisciplinary Symposium
Save the date! The SABR Minneapolis 19th Century Baseball Interdisciplinary Symposium will take place on Saturday, November 16, 2019, at the Minneapolis Public Library, 300 Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The day-long Saturday symposium will be devoted to 19th-century baseball as it was played and evolved in Minnesota and the greater Midwest region. The event is a joint project of the SABR Nineteenth Century Committee, SABR’s Halsey Hall Chapter, and the Hennepin County Library.
More details on registration and the event schedule will be available at this summer.
Guest speakers are expected to include John Thorn, MLB’s Official Historian; Larry Millett, longtime St. Paul Pioneer Press architecture critic and author of more than 10 books, including The Curve of the Arch and Lost Twin Cities; Stew Thornley, author of Baseball in Minnesota: A Definitive History and other books; Dan Levitt, author of Paths to Glory: How Great Baseball Teams Got That Way and other books; Mike Haupert, Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; Kristin Anderson, art and architecture professor and author of an upcoming book on the history of sports facilities in the Twin Cities; and more.
Click here for more information at
SABR Digital Library: The Team that Couldn’t Hit: The 1972 Texas Rangers
Add a brand-new baseball book from the SABR Digital Library to your collection this season:
The Team that Couldn’t Hit: The 1972 Texas Rangers
Edited by Steve West and Bill Nowlin
Associate editors: Len Levin and Carl Riechers
ISBN (paperback): 978-1-9438-1693-4, $29.95
ISBN (e-book): 978-1-9438-1692-7, $9.99
414 pages, 8.5″ x 11″
Click here to read the full description of this book at
SABR members, get this e-book for FREE!
- E-book: Click here to download the e-book version of The Team That Couldn’t Hit for FREE from the SABR Store. Available in PDF, Kindle/MOBI and EPUB formats.
- Paperback: Get a 50% discount on the The Team That Couldn’t Hit paperback edition from the SABR Store ($15.99 includes shipping/tax; delivery via Kindle Direct Publishing can take up to 4-6 weeks.)
Having trouble downloading our e-books? To view PDF files on your computer, click here to download the free Adobe Reader software. Having trouble downloading e-books to your Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader or iPad? Click here for additional help.
SABR to launch new baseball podcast in 2019: SABRcast with Rob Neyer
Baseball fans, tune in this season to SABRcast with Rob Neyer, a new weekly podcast hosted by award-winning author and longtime SABR member Rob Neyer.
SABRcast, which will launch around Opening Day in the spring of 2019, will feature insights and analysis of what’s happening in modern baseball on and off the field, plus compelling interviews with figures from around the game — and music from The Baseball Project.
Click here to read the full announcement at
5 new SABR biographies published
Two new biographies were posted this week as part of the SABR Baseball Biography Project, which brings us to a total of 4,845 published biographies. Here are the new bios published this week:
- Larry Colton, by John Nee (first-time author)
- Ken Henderson, by Dana Yost (first-time author)
- Pete Hill, by Phil Williams
- Ed Wells, by James Lindberg (first-time author)
- Charlie Wheatley, by Bill Carle
All new biographies can be found here:
- Search for any SABR biography: You can now visit to search for any player — or manager, executive, scout, spouse, broadcaster, or umpire — who appears in the SABR BioProject. You can also browse all of these BioProject categories and a lot more, including 300-game winners, Hall of Famers, 1960s All-Stars, or Negro Leaguers, at our Browse page:
- Read all bios from From Spring Training to Screen Test book online: In From Spring Training to Screen Test: Baseball Players Turned Actors, published by SABR in 2018 and edited by Rob Edelman and Bill Nowlin, we told the stories of the stars and supporting players on baseball diamonds who also became stars and supporting players in the movies, on Broadway, in vaudeville and, eventually, on television and in concert halls. All of the biographies in From Spring Training to Screen Test are now available to be read online at the SABR BioProject. Click here to download a free e-book edition or get 50% off the paperback edition of From Spring Training to Screen Test.
New workflow process for SABR BioProject submissions
Effective this month, the BioProject Committee has changed how SABR’s biography submissions are handled. As part of the ongoing effort to maintain the high standard of quality, there will be an initial vetting of each draft immediately after it is submitted by the author. Accepted submissions proceed to the fact-checking stage, which will be moved ahead of the copy-editing stage from now on. The process overall follows that of SABR’s books that collect biographies on notable teams or themes. After fact-checking, a different reviewer will do the copy editing, per the existing process.
For details, please see “What happens next?” in the updated BioProject FAQs at
Please continue to send initial submissions to Rory Costello, Chief Editor, at Rory can also field any questions about this process.
9 new stories published by the SABR Games Project
Nine new game stories were posted this week as part of the SABR Games Project. Here are the new game stories:
- August 20, 1912: Umpires Brick and Brennan leave game bashed and bruised, by Chad Osborne
- April 17, 1924: Baby Doll Jacobson hits for the cycle, but Browns lose to White Sox, by Mike Huber
- July 4, 1932: Yankees catcher Bill Dickey punches Carl Reynolds, draws 30-game suspension, by Joseph Wancho
- October 14, 1976: Chris Chambliss’ home run delivers pennant to the Bronx, by Joseph Wancho
- June 10, 1981: Nolan Ryan gets best of Pete Rose, but Phillies win marquee matchup, by Steve Ginader (first-time author)
- May 13, 1990: Tim Wallach notches eight RBIs as Expos drub Padres, by Gary Belleville
- August 4, 1991: Mike Mussina tosses 4-hitter in MLB debut, but Orioles lose 1-0, by Mike Huber
- July 18, 1995: Albert Belle’s walk-off grand slam topples Lee Smith, Angels, by Joseph Wancho
- July 31, 2010: Twice in a month: ‘Mr. Walk-Off’ Ryan Zimmerman sends Nationals fans home happy, by Laura H. Peebles
New Games Project stories can be found at Find all published Games Project articles at
- Get involved: Have memories of a game you attended? Or a game you watched that caught your interest? Write about it! Writing for the Games Project is an easy way to get involved as a SABR member. Find out how by reading the Games Project FAQs section or checking out the Authors’ Guidelines. We have editors and fact checkers who are willing to help you write your first article.
- Read all stories from the Pittsburgh Pirates greatest games book at the SABR Games Project: In Moments of Joy and Heartbreak: 66 Significant Episodes in the History of the Pittsburgh Pirates, published by SABR in 2018 and edited by Jorge Iber and Bill Nowlin, we explored some of the most memorable games in Bucs history. All of the stories from Moments of Joy and Heartbreak can now be found online at the SABR Games Project. Click here to read all of the game stories from this book. To download your free e-book copy or order the paperback edition with a 50% discount, click here.
Listen to a new episode of Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM
Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM, a radio show hosted by SABR President Vince Gennaro, is back for the Hot Stove League offseason at a new time, 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET on Sundays, on MLB Network Radio.
This week’s guests are Jonah Keri of The Athletic and Craig Edwards of FanGraphs.
You can also listen to archives of recent episodes on-demand on the SiriusXM Internet Radio App. Click here to learn more.
Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM focuses on examining and interpreting the statistical analysis that plays a critical role in baseball today. It airs weekly throughout the year on MLB Network Radio, available to subscribers nationwide on XM channel 89, Sirius channel 209, and on the SiriusXM Internet Radio App.
In Memoriam: Bill Griggs
- SABR member William L. “Bill” Griggs, 72, died on March 19, 2019, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He joined SABR in 2013 and was instrumental in founding the Kekionga Chapter of Fort Wayne and erecting a historical marker in Fort Wayne to mark the spot of the first professional baseball game played in the National Association in 1871. A native of Paulding, Ohio, he graduated from Ball State University and worked for Dreibelbiss Title Company and Three Rivers Title Company until his retirement in 2012. He and his wife, Estelle Haring, were married for 48 years and had three children. In addition to Estelle, he is survived by his children Gloria (Mike) Squire, Ron Griggs, and Crystel (Jeff) Miller; five grandchildren; three siblings; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 23 at D.O. McComb and Sons Funeral Home Lakeside Park with an hour of calling prior to the service. Memorial contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association.
ICYMI: Highlights from last week’s This Week in SABR
We’ve heard your feedback: Some of you have said you look forward to “This Week in SABR” every Friday, but sometimes there are just too many compelling articles and announcements to read every week. We’re not complaining — hey, keep up the great work! — but we know the feeling. So in an effort to make the length of this newsletter more manageable to read, we’ll summarize some of the repeating/recurring announcements in a special “In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)” section of “This Week in SABR”.
Here are some major headlines from recent weeks that we don’t want you to miss:
- SABR announces 2019 Henry Chadwick Award recipients
- Jane Leavy’s The Big Fella wins 2019 SABR Seymour Medal
- Ben Lindbergh, Sheryl Ring, Baseball Prospectus team win 2019 SABR Analytics Conference Research Awards
- Dick Cramer honored with 2019 SABR Analytics Conference Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2019 Diamond Dollars Case Competition winners announced
- John Zinn’s Charles Ebbets wins 2019 SABR Ron Gabriel Award
- Announcing nominees for 2019 Dorothy Seymour Mills Lifetime Achievement Award
- Ben Rose joins SABR as Director of Development
- Learn more about the 2019 SABR Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference in Cooperstown
- Check out highlights and photos from 2019 SABR Day
- SABR member Jayson Stark wins 2019 J.G. Taylor Spink Award
- SABR Digital Library: 1995 Cleveland Indians: The Sleeping Giant Awakes
- SABR Media Committee’s Baseball Buffet podcast now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
- Students, apply now for a SABR Negro Leagues Committee scholarship in 2019
- 2019 SABR Black Sox Scandal symposium to be held in Chicago
- Listen to interviews at the SABR Oral History Collection website
- Check out new articles from the SABR Team Ownership Histories Project
- Get a gift for baseball fan in your life with the new SABR Store @ CafePress
- Help support SABR’s 19th Century Baseball Grave Marker Project
- All e-books in SABR Digital Library available for free to members
All previous editions of This Week in SABR can be found here:
Welcome, new members!
We’d like to welcome all of our new SABR members who have joined this week. You can find all Members-Only resources at and the Membership Handbook can be downloaded here.
Please give these new members a warm welcome and help them make the most of their membership by giving them the opportunity to get involved in their local chapter or a research committee.
You can find contact information for any SABR member in the online membership directory (
Name | Hometown | Name | Hometown | ||
Mark Borowsky | Dublin, CA | David Kuhn | Littleton, CO | ||
Dani Clifford | Westtown, NY | Robert Laidlaw | Evanston Gardens, AUS | ||
Joe Desmond | Bel Air, MD | Peter Lutz | Pittsford, NY | ||
David Ermer | Santa Rosa Beach, FL | Jim Pond | Holliston, MA | ||
David Fox | Richmond, VA | John Sanabria | Buffalo, NY | ||
William Fragaszy | Yarmouth Port, MA | Kenneth Sandlin | Sugar Land, TX | ||
Mike Gauntt | Alton, IL | John Sebold | Bay Village, OH | ||
Jean Geyer | Welland, ON | Tom Stocker | Hayward, WI | ||
Campbell Gibson | Alexandria, VA | Marcus Wiens | Saskatoon, SK | ||
Daniel Helpingstine | Highland, IN | Brandon Woosley | Santa Cruz, CA |
Research Committee news
Here are the new research committee updates this week:
- BioProject: Learn more about the new submission/workflow process for BioProject writers and editors
- Black Sox Scandal: View the new Eight Myths Out project on common misconceptions about the 1919 World Series
- Collegiate Baseball: Winter 2019 newsletter
Find all SABR research committee newsletters at
Regional Chapter news
Here are the new regional chapter updates this week:
- Bob Davids Chapter: March 2019 newsletter (Washington, DC)
- Bud Metheny/Virginia Eastern Shore Chapter: SABR welcomes new chapter in Virginia’s Eastern Shore
- Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter: March 16 meeting recap (Lexington, KY)
Visit for more information on SABR regional chapters.
SABR Events Calendar
Here is a list of upcoming events on the SABR calendar:
- March 23: Connecticut Smoky Joe Wood Chapter meeting and Black Sox Scandal panel (Middletown, CT)
- March 23: Rogers Hornsby Chapter monthly lunch meeting (Austin, TX)
- March 26: Jack Graney Chapter meeting (Akron, OH)
- March 27: Banks-Bragan DFW Chapter spring meeting (Arlington, TX)
- March 27: Magnolia Chapter “Fourth Wednesday” monthly meeting (Tucker, GA)
- March 28: Gardner-Waterman Vermont Chapter Opening Day meet-up (Burlington, VT)
- March 30: “Boys of Summer” historic cemetery baseball tour (Atlanta, GA)
- March 30: Jim Tootle: “We Shall Remember Them: Hank Gowdy” presentation (Columbus, OH)
- March 30: Hanlan’s Point Chapter spring meeting (London, ON)
- March 31: South Florida Chapter meeting (Coral Gables, FL)
- March 31: Gardner-Waterman Vermont Chapter spring meeting (Burlington, VT)
- April 1: Jackie Robinson Symposium: Civic, Legal, and Political Legacy (Kansas City, MO)
- April 2: Hank Gowdy Chapter: Opening Week meet-up (Columbus, OH)
- April 2: Seymour-Mills Chapter meeting with Art Shamsky (Naples, FL)
- April 3: Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter monthly meeting (Tallahassee, FL)
- April 3: Baltimore Babe Ruth Chapter “Peeps at the Peeb” monthly meeting (Baltimore, MD)
- April 6: Halsey Hall Chapter book club meeting (Roseville, MN)
- April 6: Hank Gowdy Chapter spring meeting (Columbus, OH)
- April 6: Luke Easter Chapter Hot Stove Talks (Rochester, NY)
- April 6: Ted Williams Chapter meeting (San Diego, CA)
- April 6: Hemond-Delhi Arizona Chapter monthly luncheon (Phoenix, AZ)
All SABR meetings and events are open to the public. Feel free to bring a baseball-loving friend … and make many new ones! Check out the SABR Events Calendar at
Around the Web
Here are some recent articles published by and about SABR members:
- Jay Jaffe: Ichiro bows out again (FanGraphs)
- Rachael McDaniel: The meaning of Ichiro (FanGraphs)
- Jared Diamond: Red Sox GM Dave Dombrowski dishes on baseball and his brain trust (Wall Street Journal)
- Britt Ghiroli/Rob Biertempfel: Baseball’s new frontier: How wearable technology is reshaping the game (The Athletic)
- Cody Schoeler: Washington State students compete in SABR Analytics Conference (The Daily Evergreen)
- Rob Mains: Roster construction, service time, and the next CBA (Baseball Prospectus)
- Friends of Hamtramck Stadium launches fundraiser to help restore Detroit’s Negro Leagues ballpark (Patronicity)
- Ben Lindbergh: Mike Trout isn’t worth $430 million; he’s worth much more (The Ringer)
- Aaron Gleeman: Mike Trout’s path to the greatest of all-time (Baseball Prospectus)
- Eno Sarris: Twelve remarkable facts about Mike Trout’s career (The Athletic)
- Jayson Stark: After the Trout deal, what’s next for baseball? (The Athletic)
- Bill Felber: Eight misconceptions about the Black Sox Scandal (Called to the Pen)
- Sam Miller: Which of baseball’s most unbreakable records might actually get broken in 2019? (
- John Shea: What will baseball look like 50 years from now? Taking a swing at the sport’s future (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Jared Cross: An update on FanGraphs pitch framing (FanGraphs)
- Paul Grondahl: Historian finds first grand slam in MLB history — in Rensselaer (Albany Times Union)
- Eli Ben-Porat: The increasing importance of pitcher height (The Hardball Times)
- Mark Simon: Which hitters overachieved in 2018? (ACTA Sports)
- Thomas Van Hyning: Javy Lopez’s walkoff ‘jonrón’ versus Team Cuba (Béisbol 101)
- Steve Marble: Ransom Jackson, oldest Dodger and last to homer in Brooklyn, dies at 93 (Los Angeles Times)
- John Fay: Chuck Harmon, Reds’ first African American player, dies at 94 (Cincinnati Enquirer)
- Marc Carig: The Sultan of Sod: At 90, famed groundskeeper George Toma still rakes (The Athletic)
- Bill Zeeble: Small Texas town is home to one of the last U.S. baseball glove factories (NPR)
- Tom Joyce: Spring training’s one-hit wonders (The Hardball Times)
- Bill Deane: A 2019 baseball season forecast (WordPress)
- Darin Watson: Remembering Al Fitzmorris’s 1975 season (U.L.’s Toothpick)
- Derek Bain: Inning outcomes and player performance (Tuatara Software)
- Get a 40% discount on select baseball books from University of Nebraska Press with the discount code 6BAB9
- Get a 5% discount on SABR member Anika Orrock’s book Principle of the Curve, Second Inning, with the discount code SABRSPRING19
- Jason Schwartz: The power of the eraser (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
- Jason Schwartz: Don’t think Trice, it’s alright (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
Read these articles and more at
This Week in SABR is compiled by Jacob Pomrenke. If you would like us to include an upcoming event, article or any other information in “This Week in SABR,” e-mail
Have trouble reading this e-mail? Click here to view this week’s newsletter on the web.
Are you receiving our e-mails? “This Week in SABR” goes out by e-mail to all members on Friday afternoons. If they’re not showing up, try adding “” to your contact list to ensure they show up in your inbox (and not the spam folder.)
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Originally published: March 22, 2019. Last Updated: April 3, 2020.