This Week in SABR: January 10, 2020
Welcome to “This Week in SABR!” Click here to view this week’s newsletter on the web. Here’s what we’ve been up to as of January 10, 2020:
Early registration ends next week for the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference in Phoenix
Join us for the ninth annual SABR Analytics Conference on March 13-15, 2020, at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown in Arizona, where we’ll bring together the top minds in the baseball analytics community to discuss, debate and share insightful ways to analyze and examine the great game of baseball. The early-bird registration discount ends on Friday, January 17, so register today to join us!
The Analytics Conference schedule consists of a combination of Guest Speakers, Panels, and Research Presentations — plus the unique Diamond Dollars Case Competition, in which undergraduate, graduate and law school students from across the country analyze and present a real baseball operations decision.
Programming will begin on the afternoon of Friday, March 13 and will run through Sunday afternoon on March 15. A large block of rooms for SABR Analytics Conference attendees is available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Click here for highlights of the high-quality content from the 2019 conference.
- Registration: Click here to register for the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference. Early-bird registration is $395 for SABR members, $495 for non-members, and $350 for currently enrolled high school or college students (includes one-year SABR membership). Registration includes lunch on Friday and Saturday afternoons and the networking reception on Saturday evening. Note: The early-bird registration discount ends on Friday, January 17.
- Hotel: Click here to book your hotel room at the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown, 100 N. 1st St., Phoenix, AZ 85004. The special SABR group rate is $239/night (plus tax) for double occupancy. Or call (602) 333-0000 and mention that you’re with the SABR Analytics Conference. Complimentary wireless Internet is available for Marriott Rewards members in all rooms booked under the SABR block. The SABR group rate is only available for the nights of March 13 to March 15, 2020, based on availability. The cutoff date to book your room is Monday, February 11. If you wish to book a room at the SABR rate before or after those dates, please contact Deb Jayne at for assistance.
- Research Presentations: Click here to learn more about research presentations at the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference.
- Yoseloff Scholarship: Students, click here to learn more about a Yoseloff Scholarship to attend the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference.
- Diamond Dollars Case Competition: Learn more or apply now to participate in the 2020 Diamond Dollars Case Competition.
- Research Awards: Voting will begin soon for the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference Research Awards; stay tuned!
SABR has a long and storied history with baseball statistical analysis, evidenced by the link between our name and sabermetrics. SABR’s long history in this area of baseball research, coupled with our mission of advancing the understanding and knowledge of baseball, makes us the perfect choice to coordinate and host this ground-breaking event.
For more information on the 2020 SABR Analytics Conference, or to register, visit
Join us for SABR Day on Saturday, January 25
The 11th annual SABR Day will be held Saturday, January 25. We’re compiling details now on 2020 SABR Day chapter meetings around the globe. We’ll post them as soon as we get them at
Regional SABR meetings are open to all baseball fans and are usually free to attend, so bring a friend! Guest speakers often include current and former baseball players, managers, umpires, executives, scouts, writers and authors. Check out for more information on a SABR Day meeting close to you. Chapter leaders, please be sure to send any details on your SABR meeting to Jacob Pomrenke at so we can update our SABR Day map.
- 2020 SABR Day meetings: Click here for complete details on all upcoming SABR Day meetings
- SABR Day map: Click here for our interactive Google Map of 2020 SABR Day meetings
SABR Day meetings are scheduled for Saturday, January 25 in the following cities:
- Atlanta, GA (Magnolia Chapter)
- Boston, MA (Boston Chapter)
- Burlington, VT (Gardner-Waterman Vermont Chapter)
- Cherry Hill, NJ (Goose Goslin Chapter)
- Cleveland, OH (Jack Graney Chapter)
- Columbus, OH (Hank Gowdy Chapter)
- Cooperstown, NY (Cliff Kachline Chapter)
- Denver, CO (Rocky Mountain Chapter)
- Durham, NC (Carolina Chapter)
- Indianapolis, IN (Oscar Charleston Chapter)
- Kansas City, MO (Monarchs Chapter)
- Knoxville, TN (East Tennessee Chapter)
- Las Vegas, NV (Maddux Bros.-Las Vegas Chapter)
- Little Rock, AR (Robinson-Kell Chapter)
- Minneapolis, MN (Halsey Hall Chapter)
- Montclair, NJ (Elysian Fields Chapter)
- Montreal, QC (Quebec Chapter)
- Nashville, TN (Rice-Russell Nashville Chapter)
- New Orleans, LA (Schott-Pelican Chapter)
- New York, NY (Casey Stengel Chapter)
- Philadelphia, PA (Connie Mack Chapter)
- Rochester, NY (Luke Easter Chapter)
- San Diego, CA (Ted Williams Chapter)
- Toledo, OH (Bresnahan-Mud Hens Chapter)
- Toronto, ON (Hanlan’s Point Chapter)
- Victoria, BC (Northwest Chapter)
- Virginia Beach, VA (Bud Metheney/VA Eastern Shore Chapter)
In addition, SABR Day meetings will be held on these days due to schedule or venue availability; click on a link below for complete details:
- January 11: Austin, TX (Rogers Hornsby Chapter)
- January 11: Fort Wayne, IN (Kekionga Chapter)
- January 11: Pittsburgh, PA (Forbes Field Chapter)
- January 18: Houston, TX (Larry Dierker Chapter)
- January 18: Seattle, WA (Northwest Chapter)
- January 20: Houston, TX (Larry Dierker Chapter)
- January 26: Baltimore, MD (Babe Ruth Chapter)
- February 1: Detroit, MI (Detroit Chapter)
- February 1: St. Louis, MO (Bob Broeg Chapter)
- February 1: Washington, DC (Bob Davids Chapter)
Visit to learn more about a SABR Day meeting near you.
Rogers Hornsby Chapter’s Winter Meeting tomorrow highlighted by author Jon Pessah
SABR Day comes early for a trio of chapters around the United States tomorrow!
In San Marcos, Texas, the Rogers Hornsby Chapter will hold its 14th annual Winter Meeting from 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., on Saturday, January 11 on the third floor of the Old Main Building at Texas State University-San Marcos (601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666).
Our meeting will feature keynote speaker Jon Pessah, a founding editor of ESPN the Magazine and author of The Game, an insider’s account of the run-up to 1994 player’s strike that cancelled the World Series and set the tone for future labor/owner relations in MLB. We’ll also hear from Tim Jackson, General Manager of the Round Rock Express, and broadcaster Mike Capps. The meeting is open to all baseball fans and is free to attend. Click here for more details.
In Pittsburgh, the Forbes Field Chapter will meet for SABR Day tomorrow from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at PNC Park, home of the Pirates. Our guest speakers include Brian Engelhardt on Moe Berg; Jim Haller with baseball trivia; Tim O’Neil on Fred Clarke and Pirates’ third basemen; Barney Terrell on Rube Waddell; Chris Phillips on the transformation of modern scouting; and Dan Joseph on Lou Gehrig. Click here for more details.
Finally, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the Kekionga Chapter will meet from 12:00-3:00 p.m. at the Allen County Public Library’s downtown branch. We’ll hear from former Congressman and longtime SABR member Mark Souder on the Boston Beaneaters; Steve Krah on the Limestone League, an Indiana-based spring training league during World War II; and Tim Tassler on Rube Foster in Fort Wayne. Click here for more details.
- Events Calendar: Visit to find more upcoming SABR events in your area
Friends of SABR for December 2019
Thanks to all of our supporters for helping SABR fulfill its mission! Here is a list of SABR supporters for the month of December 2019:
Dean Abelon | Thomas Lee | |
Ron Adams | Larry Lester | |
Kim Agan | Lewis Levey | |
Arthur Ahrens | Allison Levin | |
David Alvarez | Leonard Levin | |
Edwin Anderson | Daniel Levitt | |
Mark Armour | Henry Levy | |
Lawrence Baldassaro | Timothy Liljeberg | |
James Ball | Jack Lindung | |
Ed Baranoski | Timothy Luca | |
Perry Barber | Jim Lurie | |
Robert Barrier | Peter Lutz | |
John Bauer | Peter MacPhail | |
James Beck | Robert Mains | |
Jeremy Beer | Peter Mancuso | |
Rev. Gerald Beirne | Richard Maniglia | |
Thomas Biblewski | Eliza Marone | |
Dick Bily | Daniel Massey | |
Marianne Biskup | Richard Masson | |
Robert Bluthardt | Robert Mayer | |
David Bohmer | Larry McCray | |
Maurice Bouchard | Andy McCue | |
Bruce Boxdorfer | Richard McIntosh | |
Benita Boxerman | William McMahon | |
Thomas Bradley | Ken Melley | |
Ryan Brecker | Roberta Mendonca | |
Michael Broe | Marilyn Miller | |
Bruce Brown | Steve Mirsky | |
Robert Brown | John Mitchell | |
Steve Brown | David Mitchell | |
Joseph Buckley | Frank Mooney | |
Agustin Cantens | Paul Moorehead | |
Ken Carrano | Robert Morris | |
Angel Castillo | Trenton Morton | |
Ralph Christian | Thomas Mullen | |
Thomas Chuey | Anthony Nazzario | |
Rodger Coauette | Case Nelson | |
Richard Coiner | Andrew Noe | |
Robert Cole | Andrew North | |
Leander Collin | Nelson Okino | |
Vincent Comparato | Ralph Olliges Jr. | |
Peter Coolbaugh | Gene Oppenheim | |
Gary Coon | Steve Oppenheimer | |
Peter Cottrell | Jeff Orner | |
Robert Crotty | James Overmyer | |
E. Stephen Cunerd | Mark Pankin | |
Bradley Curtis | Robert Parham | |
David Curtoys | David Pearson | |
Jon Daniels | Gregg Pericich | |
Sidney Davis | Steve Perry | |
James Dayboch | Chris Petroff | |
Frank DeSantis | Victor Piacentile | |
Philip Dixon | Peter Pierce | |
Bob Dorrill | David Polich | |
William Dowell | Mark Pollak | |
Mark Dugo | Mel Poplock | |
Dennis Duquette | Peter Poulos | |
Chris Eckes | Lou Profumo | |
Ron Elliott | Samuel Reich | |
Elena Elms | Carl Rhoads | |
Vernona Elms | Carl Rogan | |
Vern Engbar | C. Paul Rogers III | |
Jonathan Epstein | Stephen Roney | |
Donald Etheridge | Steven Roscoe | |
John Farley | Michael Rosenwasser | |
Joseph Favano | Charles Roussel | |
Jan Finkel | Thomas Ruane | |
Diane Firstman | Bob Russon | |
Kenneth Fischer | Robert Ruzzo | |
Scott Fischthal | Bobby Salerno | |
Robert Fitts | Jay Samuel | |
David Fleitz | Gary Sarnoff | |
F.X. Flinn | Robert Sawyer | |
Adam Foldes | Richard Schabowski | |
Charles Fracchia | Harry Schoger | |
Steve Friedman | Douglas Schoppert | |
Michael Gallichio | Jeff Schwartz | |
James Gangawere | Jason Schwartz | |
Gerald Garte | John Schwarz | |
Gloria Getty | Anthony Segreti | |
Michael Gibbons | Jeffrey Self | |
Jeanne Glazer | Andrew Sharp | |
Roger Godin | Robert Shelton | |
Robert Gold | Richard Shook | |
Alan Goldhammer | Thomas Shrimplin | |
Dennis Goldstein | Brent Shyer | |
Geoffrey Gonsher | Ira Siegel | |
John Gottko | Warren Simpson | |
Larry Gramling | Linda Skory | |
Robert Gregory | Lyle Spatz | |
Mary Griswold | Art Springsteen | |
Noah Gross | Joseph Stanton | |
Steve Hamburg | Rosilyn Stearnes-Brown | |
Judson Hamlin | Karen Stephens | |
Roger Hammond | Joel Sternberg | |
Richard Hansen | Mark Sternman | |
Timothy Harner | David Stinson | |
Leslie Heaphy | Thomas Stone | |
John Heiselman | Wesley Story | |
Paul Hensler | Mervyn Taylor | |
Mick Hickok | Larry Taylor | |
John Paul Hill | Joseph Thompson | |
Rockwell Hoffman | Joyce Thompson | |
Gary Hoffman | John Thorn | |
Karen Holleran | Crofty Thorp | |
James Holt | Thomas Thress | |
Tony Hoover | Bill Tiedeman | |
Thomas Hufford | Kenn Tomasch | |
David Hughes | Richard B Tourangeau | |
Rick Huhn | Wayne Towers | |
Joanne Hulbert | Neal Traven | |
Mark Hunter | Steve Turner | |
Francis Jackson | Thomas Tuttle | |
Jeff Jaech | Paul Vastola | |
Martin Jatlow | David Vaught | |
Dave Jerome | MJ Volkovitsch | |
Jane Johnston | David Vondle | |
Christopher Kaempfer | Thomas Watson | |
Jim Kaplan | Ronald Weaver | |
Lloyd Kepple | Steve Weiss | |
Mike Kerry | Mark Wendling | |
Charles Kimberly | Steve West | |
Michael Klitsch | Kent Whitaker | |
Steven Klugman | Paul White | |
Mary Knox | Matthew Whitehorn | |
Robert Kramp | J.R. Wildridge | |
Andrew Kraus | Jeffrey Wood | |
George Kruse | Mike Worley | |
Jeffrey Kutler | Steve Wulf | |
Steven Landau | Peter Yee | |
William Larson | Tony Yoseloff | |
Steven Lauer | Don Zminda | |
Jane Leavy | David Zweifel |
Want to become a Friend of SABR? Click here to make a recurring monthly contribution or click here to learn more about our Giving Circles to make a one-time contribution.
Registration now open for 2020 SABR Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference
The 11th annual Frederick Ivor-Campbell 19th Century Base Ball Conference will be held April 24-25, 2020, at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.
Note: Space is extremely limited and some research presentations will be double-tracked. On the final page of your registration form, please indicate your preferred choice of Research Presentation for each of the six pairs that are double-tracked.
- Registration: Click here to download the registration form (PDF). Registrations can be accepted by mail only: send BOTH completed 19th Century Base Ball Conference registration forms to: Peter Mancuso, 6970 Ely Road, New Hope, PA 18938. Enclose your personal check for the appropriate amount and make payable to “SABR,” with “Fred 19cBB Conference” written on the check’s memo line.
- Cost: Conference registration is $65 per person, including the Saturday luncheon. Tickets for the optional Friday evening Welcoming Dinner ($45) at Templeton Hall and Saturday evening Post-Conference Gathering ($35) at the historic Otesaga Hotel can also be purchased in advance for you or a guest. Anyone who wishes to purchase an extra ticket for a guest to attend the Saturday luncheon only ($35) can also do so.
- RSVP: Please mail your registration form no later than February 28. Registration is limited to the first 100 people to sign up, so please register early!
- Contact: For questions, or if you miss the registration mailing deadline, contact Peter Mancuso at to see if space is still available.
The 2020 conference will be highlighted by a keynote address from Major League Baseball’s Official Historian John Thorn, along with a panel discussion on National League president William Hulbert with Jack Bales, Richard Hershberger, Bill Lamb, and moderator Bill Ryczek; a special presentation by David Block on “Baseball’s Origins: A Progress Report”; a Member Spotlight interview of Tom Gilbert by Bob Bailey; plus book signings, research presentations, and a welcome dinner.
For more information, or to register, visit
SABR Digital Library: The Glorious Beaneaters of the 1890s
Add a championship book to your collection from the SABR Digital Library:
The Glorious Beaneaters of the 1890s
Edited by Bob LeMoine and Bill Nowlin
Associate Editor: Len Levin
ISBN (ebook): 978-1-9701-5918-9, $9.99
ISBN (paperback): 978-1-9701-5919-6, $29.99
8.5″ x 11″, 437 pages
Click here to read the full description of this book at
SABR members, get this e-book for FREE!
- E-book: Click here to download the e-book version of The Glorious Beaneaters of the 1890s for FREE from the SABR Store. Available in PDF, Kindle/MOBI and EPUB formats.
- Paperback: Get a 50% discount on The Glorious Beaneaters of the 1890s paperback edition from the SABR Store ($17.99 includes shipping/tax; delivery via Kindle Direct Publishing can take up to 4-6 weeks.)
Having trouble downloading our e-books? To view PDF files on your computer, click here to download the free Adobe Reader software. Having trouble downloading e-books to your Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader or iPad? Click here for additional help.
Register now for the 2020 SABR Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference in Birmingham
Registration is now open for the SABR Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference on June 11-13, 2020, at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama. All baseball fans are welcome to attend.
One hundred years ago, the Negro National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs (NNL) was established as a viable option for professional Black athletes barred from the all-White major leagues to showcase their talents. In 2020, SABR’s Negro Leagues Research Committee will celebrate their pleasure, passion, and purpose-driven path to athletic glory and honor with a centennial celebration at the annual Malloy Conference in Birmingham.
- Register: Click here to register online for the 2020 Malloy Conference. Full registration is $175 for SABR members, $210 non-members. Students: $125 for SABR members; $150 non-members. Single-day registration is also available for $75 SABR member/$110 non-member. Extra tickets can be purchased for the Rickwood Field tours, the “meet and greet” reception at the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame on Thursday night, the Birmingham Barons ballgame on Friday night, or the awards banquet on Saturday night. All of these sessions are included in the full registration package.
- Hotel: Click here to book your room online at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel at the special group rate of $135/night (plus tax). Our host hotel is located at 2101 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd., North Birmingham, AL 35203. Call (205) 324-5000 for questions about your hotel reservation.
- Call for papers: We welcome proposals for oral and poster presentations from all research fields. Presentations may focus on any topic related to the Negro League centennial, black baseball in Birmingham, or other related topics, especially the Negro Southern League. Please email your proposal as a Word attachment to Dr. Leslie Heaphy at before March 6, 2020. Click here for more details.
- Contact: For questions, email Larry Lester at or Leslie Heaphy at
To learn more, visit
Save the date! SABR 50 will be in Baltimore in 2020
Save the date! SABR will be returning to Baltimore for our 50th national convention on July 15-19, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor hotel in downtown Baltimore, Maryland. Registration information for SABR 50 and our special hotel room block will be available at in just a couple weeks.
The Hyatt Regency hotel sits on the waterfront at the majestic Inner Harbor and is conveniently located within walking distance from Camden Yards, home of the Baltimore Orioles. Our host hotel is also close to many area museums, historic landmarks, and other attractions like the National Aquarium.
SABR’s 2020 national convention will be our 50th annual gathering; the organization’s founding in Cooperstown in 1971 is counted as the first.
For more information on the SABR convention, visit
SABRcast with Rob Neyer: Listen to an interview with SABR Board President Mark Armour
Listen to a new episode of SABRcast with Rob Neyer, a new weekly podcast hosted by award-winning author and longtime SABR member Rob Neyer — which is now available on your favorite podcast streaming services!
Visit to listen to Episode #41 — our guest this week is SABR Board President Mark Armour, who is the author of many baseball articles and several books, including most recently In Pursuit of Pennants: Baseball Operations from Deadball to Moneyball (with Dan Levitt) and Joe Cronin: A Life in Baseball. In 2002, he spearheaded the formation of SABR’s Baseball Biography Project — which has now contributed more than 5,000 biographical articles and a number of books to the game’s literature — and he served as the BioProject’s director until 2016.
Subscribe to SABRcast on your favorite podcast networks, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play, and listen to each episode as soon as it’s released on Mondays. Every week, SABRcast will feature insights and analysis of what’s happening in modern baseball on and off the field, plus compelling interviews with figures from around the game — and music from The Baseball Project.
To learn more, visit
2 new SABR biographies published
Two new biographies were posted this week as part of the SABR Baseball Biography Project, which brings us to a total of 5,069 published biographies. Here are the new bios published this week:
All new biographies can be found here:
- Search for any SABR biography: You can now visit to search for any player — or manager, executive, scout, spouse, broadcaster, or umpire — who appears in the SABR BioProject. You can also browse all of these BioProject categories and a lot more, including 300-game winners, Hall of Famers, 1960s All-Stars, or Negro Leaguers, at our Browse page:
Read all stories from Wrigley Field greatest games book online at SABR Games Project
In Wrigley Field: The Friendly Confines at Clark and Addison, edited by Gregory H. Wolf and published in 2019, we delivered an ode to that storied ballpark, evoking its history through detailed retellings of 100 games played there, including not only historic triumphs and defeats of the Chicago Cubs (and the Federal League Whales), but also Negro Leagues matchups, youth championships, and even games by the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.
You can read all of the game stories from our Wrigley Field book online now at the SABR Games Project. Here are the new game stories published this week:
- May 9, 1993: Mark Grace hits for the cycle at Wrigley Field, by Ryan Schuring and Gregory H. Wolf
- April 4, 1994: Cubs’ Tuffy Rhodes goes deep three times on Opening Day, by Paul Hofmann
- September 12, 1998: Sammy Sosa slams 60th home run of the season, by Rick Schabowski
- October 6, 2001: Cubs’ Roosevelt Brown has his moment in the limelight, by Tim Rask
- October 14, 2003: The Bartman Game, by Brian Wright
- October 15, 2003: For the 95th time, it’s ‘Wait ‘Til Next Year’ for the Chicago Cubs, by John DiFonzo
- May 30, 2008: Cubs overcome eight-run deficit to defeat Rockies, by Paul Geisler
- June 19, 2009: Cubs rally from down 7-0 to down Cleveland, by Thomas J. Brown Jr.
- July 25, 2015: Phillies’ Cole Hamels tosses no-hitter at Wrigley Field, by C. Paul Rogers III
- September 22, 2015: Cubs’ Jake Arrieta tosses 3-hit shutout for 20th victory, by Gregory H. Wolf
- July 31, 2016: Unexpected Hero: Lester at the Bat, by Mike Mattsey
- October 22, 2016: Kyle Hendricks’ gem gives Cubs first pennant in 71 years, by Gregory H. Wolf
- October 28, 2016: Cubs fall to Indians in first World Series game at Wrigley Field since 1945, by Frederick “Rick” Bush
- October 29, 2016: No joy in Wrigleyville: Indians push Cubs to brink, by Frederick “Rick” Bush
- October 30, 2016: Fly the W! Cubs’ win sets World Series comeback in motion, by Frederick “Rick” Bush
- October 9, 2017: ‘Respect me! Respect me!’ Cubs overcome 4 errors to defeat Nationals in Game 3, by Don Zminda
- October 11, 2017: Too sick to pitch? Strasburg has last laugh against Cubs in NLDS, by Don Zminda
- October 17, 2017: Dominant Darvish and Dodgers push listless Cubs to the brink in NLCS, by Nathan Bierma
- October 18, 2017: Cubs show championship swagger to stay alive in NLCS, by Nathan Bierma
- October 19, 2017: Dodgers ace Kershaw shuts down Cubs to clinch NL pennant; Hernandez wallops 3 homers, by Mike Huber
Click here to download your free Wrigley Field e-book or get 50% off the paperback edition at
New Games Project stories can be found at Find all published Games Project articles at
- Get involved: Have memories of a game you attended? Or a game you watched that caught your interest? Write about it! Writing for the Games Project is an easy way to get involved as a SABR member. Find out how by reading the Games Project FAQs section or checking out the Authors’ Guidelines. We have editors and fact checkers who are willing to help you write your first article.
Listen to recent episodes of Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM on Saturdays
Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM, a radio show hosted by former SABR Board President Vince Gennaro, is back for the Hot Stove offseason at a new time! Listen to a new episode at 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET on Saturdays on MLB Network Radio.
You can also listen to archives of recent episodes on-demand on the SiriusXM Internet Radio app. Click here to learn more.
Behind the Numbers: Baseball SABR Style on SiriusXM focuses on examining and interpreting the statistical analysis that plays a critical role in baseball today. It airs weekly throughout the year on MLB Network Radio, available to subscribers nationwide on XM channel 89, Sirius channel 209, and on the SiriusXM Internet Radio App.
John G. Zinn honored with 2020 SABR Russell Gabay Award
Author John G. Zinn is the 2020 recipient of the SABR Russell Gabay Award, which honors entities or persons who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to baseball in New Jersey.
Zinn, from Verona, New Jersey, is the chairman of the board of the New Jersey Historical Society. He is a two-time winner of SABR’s Ron Gabriel Award in 2019 for his book Charles Ebbets: The Man Behind the Dodgers and Brooklyn’s Beloved Ballpark and in 2014 for Ebbets Field: Essays and Memories of Brooklyn’s Historic Ballpark, 1913-1960, co-authored with Paul G. Zinn.
“John’s research on baseball history in the Garden State has been a standard bearer,” said David Krell, chair of SABR’s Elysian Fields Chapter in New Jersey. “We are proud to honor his efforts with the 2020 Russell Gabay Award.”
Click here to read the full announcement at
Business of Baseball Committee seeks more volunteers for MLB Team Employee Directory project
The Business of Baseball Committee has begun building a historical database of major league baseball employees. This is an exciting project that should give us a new lens into major league front and back offices. We have a terrific group of volunteers who have made this project possible: To date, we have completed 321 team-seasons and have another 151 assigned. But there are still many team-seasons to go.
To accomplish this project we need additional volunteers to enter data from information sources, principally team media guides, into a spreadsheet. Please note: you do not need to have the sources — if you have interest in a particular team (or year), we will get you the sources electronically. But if you do have a source with the relevant information and would be willing to enter it into a spreadsheet, that would be terrific.
We currently have media guides that we can share electronically for all teams from 2011 to 2019, plus longer runs for several teams. Additionally, we have hard copies of roughly two-thirds of the years between 1983 and 2004, and we can upload the relevant couple of pages from each if there is a team you’d like to work on. For more information, please contact Dan Levitt at
Deadlines approaching for SABR award nominations
- SABR Baseball Research Award, due 1/31/2020: The SABR Baseball Research Award (formerly the Sporting News-SABR Baseball Research Award) honors those whose outstanding research projects completed during the preceding calendar year have significantly expanded our knowledge or understanding of baseball. To submit a nomination for the 2020 awards, please contact Bill Felber at
- McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award, due 2/15/2020: The McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award honors the authors of the best articles on baseball history or biography completed or published during the preceding calendar year. To submit a nomination for the 2020 awards, please contact Len Levin at
Please note: Only ONE entry per nomination will be considered (do not submit multiple nominations for the same award). For more information on SABR Awards, click here.
ICYMI: Highlights from last week’s This Week in SABR
We’ve heard your feedback: Some of you have said you look forward to “This Week in SABR” every Friday, but sometimes there are just too many compelling articles and announcements to read every week. We’re not complaining — hey, keep up the great work! — but we know the feeling. So in an effort to make the length of this newsletter more manageable to read, we’ll summarize some of the repeating/recurring announcements in a special “In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)” section of “This Week in SABR”.
Here are some major headlines from recent weeks that we don’t want you to miss:
- Chapman, Arenado win 2019 Rawlings Platinum Glove Awards, presented by SABR
- The Sporting News Baseball Player Contract Cards Collection is now online
- Read all articles from the Fall 2019 Baseball Research Journal online
- In Memoriam: Dorothy Seymour Mills, baseball’s first female historian
- 2020 SABR Jerry Malloy Conference in Birmingham to celebrate 100 years of the Negro Leagues
- SABR Digital Library: The Babe
- SABR to expand Diamond Dollars Case Competition in 2020
- Listen to highlights from the SABR Black Sox Scandal Centennial Symposium in Chicago
- SABR launches new SocialLink communication tool for members
- Read all stories from The National Pastime: Pacific Ghosts online
- Turnstyle: The SABR Journal of Baseball Arts inaugural issue released
- Give back to SABR through AmazonSmile
- Get a gift for baseball fan in your life with the new SABR Store @ CafePress
- All e-books in SABR Digital Library available for free to members
All previous editions of This Week in SABR can be found here:
Welcome, new members!
We’d like to welcome all of our new SABR members who have joined this week. You can find all Members-Only resources at and the Membership Handbook can be downloaded here.
Please give these new members a warm welcome and help them make the most of their membership by giving them the opportunity to get involved in their local chapter or a research committee.
You can find contact information for any SABR member in the online membership directory (
Name | Hometown | Name | Hometown | ||
Allan Bell | Columbia, MO | Tom Hanlon | San Francisco, CA | ||
Sheldon Berger | Hillsboro, OR | Kathryn Harvey | Lawrenceburg, IN | ||
Chip Bird | Abingdon, VA | Jason Horowitz | Seattle, WA | ||
Marianne Biskup | Scotts Valley, CA | Aaron Klavan | Highland Park, NJ | ||
Ralph Bluedorn | Omaha, NE | Andrew Kojzar | Arlington, VA | ||
Mike Busby | Dana Point, CA | Robert McCauley | Pittsburgh, PA | ||
Michael Carver | Arlington, VA | Patrick McGovern | Upperco, MD | ||
Matthew Castelhano | Silver Spring, MD | Hugo McKissic | Philadelphia, PA | ||
DJ Cavalier | Winchester, VA | Alberto Menaged | Flushing, NY | ||
Tim Chalberg | Tacoma, WA | Ann B. Murphy | Aptos, CA | ||
Koby Close | Cherry Hill, NJ | JooSeung Oh | Daegu, KOR | ||
Jonathan Cumpston | Norfolk, VA | Helen Okenka | Toledo, OH | ||
Frank De Santis | Cypress, CA | Robert Poole | Milwaukee, WI | ||
Mark Dismuke | Silver Spring, MD | Doug Preston | Norwalk, OH | ||
Shannon Drayer | Issaquah, WA | Aaron Respler | Teaneck, NJ | ||
Matthew Dunford | Denver, CO | Ben Rosenberg | Maplewood, NJ | ||
Carl Erickson | Midlothian, VA | Lorenzo Samaniego | Mansfield, TX | ||
Yirmy Ertel | Windsor Place, NJ | Gary Stein | Los Angeles, CA | ||
Tom Evans | Croton-on-Hudson, NY | Gregg Van Meter | Sacramento, CA | ||
John Fatigate | Virginia Beach, VA | Jay Vandevoort | Tubac, AZ | ||
Will Flanders | Cudahy, WI | Qishan Wang | Hobart, AUS | ||
Ron Gerrard | Henderson, NV | Dick Waterman | Oxford, MS | ||
William Grant | Syracuse, NY | Tim White | Corona, CA | ||
Eli Greer | Chicago, IL | Mike Wisniewski | Hoffman Estates, IL | ||
Flynn Hagerty | London, ENG |
Research Committee news
Here are the new research committee updates this week:
- Biographical Research: November/December 2019 newsletter
Find all SABR research committee newsletters at
Regional Chapter news
Here are the new regional chapter updates this week:
- Bob Davids Chapter: January 2020 newsletter (Washington, DC)
- Connecticut Smoky Joe Wood Chapter: January 2020 newsletter (Hartford, CT)
- Emil Rothe Chicago Chapter: January 2020 newsletter (Chicago, IL)
- SABR Day! Join us for SABR Day on Saturday, January 25; visit for complete details.
Visit for more information on SABR regional chapters.
SABR Events Calendar
Here is a list of upcoming events on the SABR calendar:
- January 11: Kekionga Chapter SABR Day meeting (Fort Wayne, IN)
- January 11: Rogers Hornsby Chapter SABR Day/Winter Meeting (San Marcos, TX)
- January 11: Forbes Field Chapter SABR Day meeting (Pittsburgh, PA)
- January 11: Emil Rothe Chicago Chapter monthly lunch meeting (Downers Grove, IL)
- January 12: Elysian Fields Chapter brunch meeting (Mountainside, NJ)
- January 14: Jack Graney Chapter “Talkin’ Baseball” meeting (Akron, OH)
- January 14: Boston Chapter Hot Stove meeting (Boston, MA)
- January 15: Rocky Mountain Chapter monthly luncheon (Denver, CO)
- January 15: Baltimore Babe Ruth Chapter “Called Shot” monthly meeting (Baltimore, MD)
- January 16: Magnolia Chapter “Third Thursday” meeting (Sandy Springs, GA)
- January 18: Larry Dierker Chapter at Astros FanFest (Houston, TX)
- January 18: Babe ‘n’ Bob chapter breakfast (Edgewater, MD)
- January 18: Northwest Chapter SABR Day meeting (Kent, WA)
- January 20: Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter monthly meeting (St. Louis, MO)
- January 20: Larry Dierker Chapter monthly meeting (Houston, TX)
- January 21: Bob Davids Chapter Maryland Hot Stove Dinner (Silver Spring, MD)
- January 22: Magnolia Chapter “Fourth Wednesday” meeting (Tucker, GA)
- January 25: 2020 SABR Day!
- January 26: Baltimore Babe Ruth Chapter SABR Day meeting (Baltimore, MD)
All SABR meetings and events are open to the public. Feel free to bring a baseball-loving friend … and make many new ones! Check out the SABR Events Calendar at
Around the Web
Here are some recent articles published by and about SABR members:
- Jayson Stark: Realignment, robots and the universal DH — how baseball will change during this decade (The Athletic)
- Mike Petriello: A new way to measure MLB’s best infield defenders (
- Ken Rosenthal/Evan Drellich: MLB’s sign-stealing controversy broadens (The Athletic)
- Jay Jaffe: MLB’s current sign-stealing saga carries echos of the game’s PED problems (FanGraphs)
- Rob Arthur: Teams now pay for who players are, not what they did (Baseball Prospectus)
- Craig Edwards: Is the cost of a win in free agency still linear? (FanGraphs)
- Nicole Brodeur: Seattle woman helps Major League Baseball players to keep their eyes on the ball (Seattle Times)
- Eno Sarris: Three college baseball programs that have better tech than most pro teams (The Athletic)
- Lauren Walker: Baseball could go to the dogs (The Hardball Times)
- Ken Schultz: Before Ted Williams enlisted, everyone hated him for not enlisting (Baseball Prospectus)
- Josh Jackson: In PCL of 1919, Vernon Tigers were wild and dangerous (
- Jeff Cohen: Baseball and BBQ interview with Jean Fruth and Jeff Idelson (Baseball and BBQ)
- Derek Bain: Retro computer baseball game review: Earl Weaver Baseball (Tuatara Software)
- Paul Ember: Covering the Bases: 1989 Topps #156 Dave Gallagher (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
- Ralph Carhart: If They Can Make it There (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
- Nick Vossbrink: Toehold (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
- Michael Kane: Stouffers 1995 Baseball Set Deserves A Standing Ovation (SABR Baseball Cards Blog)
Read these articles and more at
This Week in SABR is compiled by Jacob Pomrenke. If you would like us to include an upcoming event, article or any other information in “This Week in SABR,” e-mail
Have trouble reading this e-mail? Click here to view this week’s newsletter on the web.
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Originally published: January 10, 2020. Last Updated: June 17, 2020.