Jacob Pomrenke

Jacob Pomrenke is SABR’s Director of Editorial Content. He has been a SABR member since 1998 and is the chairman and newsletter editor for the Black Sox Scandal Research Committee. He is the editor of Scandal on the South Side: The 1919 Chicago White Sox, (SABR, 2015); the Eight Myths Out project (SABR, 2019); and Joe Jackson vs. Chicago American League Baseball Club (Eckhartz Press, 2023). He has also moderated panel discussions at the SABR Annual Convention on Shoeless Joe Jackson (2010, Atlanta), the 50th anniversary of Eight Men Out (2013, Philadelphia), and the 100th anniversary of the 1919 World Series (2019, San Diego). He has appeared as a subject-matter expert on baseball scandals on MLB Network’s Triumph and Tragedy: The 1919 Chicago White Sox (2010), PBS NewsHour (2019), ESPN’s Backstory: Banned* For Life (2020), WTTW’s Chicago Stories (2024), and other programs. He is also a member of the Baseball Records, Deadball Era and BioProject committees and his work has appeared in the Baseball Hall of Fame’s Memories and Dreams magazine, The National Pastime Museum, and other outlets. Before he joined the SABR staff in 2011, he spent 10 years working as a reporter, page designer and editor at the North County Times and San Bernardino Sun newspapers in California, and The Times in Gainesville, Georgia. Find more of his work at jacobpomrenke.com.


SABR books edited by Jacob Pomrenke

SABR BioProject biographies written by Jacob Pomrenke

SABR Games Project stories written by Jacob Pomrenke

SABR Journal Articles written by Jacob Pomrenke

SABR Research Topics written by Jacob Pomrenke 

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SABR Research Articles written by Jacob Pomrenke 

SABR Ballparks written by Jacob Pomrenke 

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